HR professionals invited to shape development of British Standard for valuing people in organizations

14 October 2014 

BSI, the UK’s National Standards Body is calling on HR professionals to have their say in the development of a new management system standard for valuing people within their organizations. BS 76000 Management system for valuing people in organizations ̶ Requirements and guidance for use, is now open for public consultation until January 2015. BS 76000 has been developed to provide a framework to help organizations ensure they recruit, retain, develop and deploy people in a sustainable manner.  

Anyone with an interest in the management of people and organizations, be they HR practitioners/leaders or managers in other professions, can submit their comments at the BSI draft review page: 

Some of the experts involved in the development of the draft standard include Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, the CIPD, Federation of Small Businesses, University Forum for Human Resource Development and TUC as well as a range of employers, academics and other industry bodies. 

The principles of BS 76000 are:

  • The interests of staff and other stakeholders are integral to the best interests of anorganization
  • The organization is part of wider society and has a responsibility to operate in a fair and socially responsible manner
  • The commitment to valuing people comes from the most senior leaders of an organization
  • The people who work for an organization have rights over and above those in law or regulation, and these rights and legal protections are respected by the organization

Anne Hayes, Head of Market Development for Governance at BSI said: “Standards are developed using the collaborative input of experts until a consensus is reached. The resulting draft  standard needs to be tested rigorously to ensure it is appropriate for its chosen sector  –  and public consultation is the best way to do this. HR is a rapidly developing area and advances in nurturing, retaining and evolving staff are becoming even more important, the faster businesses grow. This is a great time to get involved in shaping these standards at a crucial stage in their development.”

Dr Wilson Wong, Chair of the Human Capital Standards committee at BSI said: “A more considered and principled approach to recognizing just how central people are to any organization’s continued success could make a real impact to our nation’s productivity. We know from CIPD’s “Valuing your Talent” project that the value of an organization’s people is often not known or reported, and consequently not deployed or developed effectively. Getting this standard right has the potential to improve lives for everyone – businesses, the people working for them, and the societies in which they exist. That’s why we’re encouraging interested parties to contribute to the collective wisdom that will make the standard a success.”

In addition to the overarching principles-based standard, the BSI Human Capital Standards committee (HSC/1) will develop more specific standards for different elements of the management processes associated with employing, deploying, engaging and developing people. As the standards mature, the committee will also place greater emphasis on appropriate measures of human capital to strengthen the business case for investment in people.